What is Frozen Shoulder and its Treatment?

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which the patient experiences stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. A common symptom of frozen shoulder is severe pain before or after a shoulder is attempted to rotate. As a  result, the patient will experience decreased range of motion. Frozen shoulder usually affects diabetic patients and people between the age of 40-60. If you are experiencing pain and stiffness in your shoulder, chances are you might be developing a frozen shoulder.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is usually caused when the patient is recovering from a medical treatment which restricts the shoulder movement for a long time. For instance, if a person is involved in a car accident and has fractured his shoulder, he is more likely to have frozen shoulder in future. We recommend visiting a Chiropractor after the car accident as he can maintain a proper shoulder movement with the help of various exercises. In case of a diabetic patient, the sugar molecules get attached to the collagen in the shoulder resulting in stiffness and severe pain.

Treatments for Frozen Shoulder

Physical Therapy – Physical therapy coupled with stretching exercises and painkillers is the most effective solution. Consult a physiotherapist as he/she can guide you through various exercises which can help improve the mobility of the shoulder. After analyzing several medical records, physical therapy in California has shown positive results while treating patients, who suffered from frozen shoulder.


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Chiropractic Treatment – An alternative medicine for frozen shoulder is chiropractic treatment. Although medication is an effective solution to recover from frozen shoulder, it should not be considered as a long-term solution. If pain persists after medication and physical therapy, we recommend seeking chiropractic care. A chiropractic treatment is a natural and safe solution to get rid of the pain. If you have been involved in a car accident recently and experiencing a shoulder pain, there are chances you might be developing frozen shoulder. Visit a Chiropractor after car accident to make sure there are no muscular disorders.

Surgery – There are very few cases where surgery is required to treat the frozen shoulder. But if other treatments are ineffective, doctors might suggest an arthroscopic surgery. The surgery is commonly known as Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) where the patient is tranquilized with anesthesia and shoulder joint is moved by the surgeon.


If you are undergoing a medical treatment that makes shoulder movement difficult, consult your doctor or a physiotherapist about different movement exercises to maintain a proper motion of the shoulder joint.